IWWIP IN Contribution to Global Winter Wheat Programs in 2023-2024

IWWIP IN Contribution to Global Winter Wheat Programs in 2023-2024

195 sets of IWWIP International Nurseries (IN) were prepared as a result of intensive and comprehensive work between July and Sept 2023.

Two yield trials (26th IWWYT-IRR and 25th IWWYT-SA) and two observation nurseries (31st FAWWON-IRR and 31st FAWWON-SA) containing 335 IWWIP germplasm in total were distributed to 64 collaborators in 26 countries. More than 21.5K seed packages including advanced IWWIP lines were distributed to international partners worldwide in the 2023-2024 season.

The field book and web data formats of the nurseries are available on the IWWIP website.